The birth place of Abner Rose is uncertain but a daughter told the census taker in 1880 that he was born in N. C. Abner must have married about 1786. A fee memorandum for a marriage bond shows he married Sally Summers but the memorandum has no date. That marriage may have been a second marriage.
Abner moved to White County, Tennessee about 1812 and later to Warren County, Tennessee. Bennett Rose, son of Abner, enlisted in the service for the War of 1812 in Warren County on 18 Sept. 1814.
The family apparently moved to Lauderdale Co., Alabama after son Bennett Rose was discharged from the service in 1815 in Nashville. Abner eventually moved to Giles County, Tennessee. Sometime after 1836 he moved to Tishomingo Co., Mississippi to live with his daughter Elizabeth (Rose) Pace. A family Bible shows that Abner Rose was born 6 Feb. 1763 and died 18 July 1841